Cost Accountant IV Job Description
The following is a full job description for Cost Accountant IV. Here are the requirements and responsibilities for Cost Accountant IV along with statistics. If after reading this page you determine that Cost Accountant IV is not the position you are looking for, you may want to try one of these similar titles: Cost Accountant II, Cost Accountant III, Cost Accountant I, Cost Estimation Engineer IV, Accountant IV, Plant Accountant, Cost Engineer IV, Accountant V, Cost Estimation Engineer I
Requirements and Responsibilities For Cost Accountant IV
Determines and implements cost accounting procedures and methods. Responsible for the preparation and analysis of cost reports and costing audits. Examines and reviews unusual cost records and ensures cost data is allocated correctly. Requires a bachelor's degree in area of specialty. Typically reports to a manager. Work is highly independent. May assume a team lead role for the work group. A specialist on complex technical and business matters. Typically requires 7+ years of related experience.
Also referred to as: Cost Accountant, Specialist
Similar Jobs:  Cost Accountant II, Cost Accountant III, Cost Accountant I, Cost Estimation Engineer IV, Accountant IV, Plant Accountant, Cost Engineer IV, Accountant V, Cost Estimation Engineer I
Level of Education:  Cost Accountant IV Salaries with a Bachelor's Degree, Cost Accountant IV Salaries with a Master's Degree or MBA, Cost Accountant IV Salaries with a JD, MD, PhD or Equivalent
Industries:  Aerospace & Defense, Biotechnology, Business Services, Chemicals, Construction, Edu., Gov't. & Nonprofit, Energy & Utilities, Financial Services, Healthcare, Hospitality & Leisure, Insurance, Internet, Media, MFG Durable, MFG Nondurable, Pharmaceuticals, Retail & Wholesale, Software & Networking, Telecom, Transportation
Job Statistics
Years of Experience Education Level
Company Size Industry
Most Popular Cities for Cost Accountant IV